Review: Breaking Bad ‘Rabid Dog’ – He Was My Teacher

"What's one more?" All throughout 'Rabid Dog', Walt continuously finds himself fighting his own reputation: his family knows he's pretty much always full of shit, and his track record speaks to the kind of person he's become. But all through 'Rabid Dog', we see Walt struggle to deal with the person he's become: although his … Continue reading Review: Breaking Bad ‘Rabid Dog’ – He Was My Teacher

Season premiere review: Breaking Bad ‘Blood Money’ – Have An A1 Day

At its core, Breaking Bad is a Western - and in the last act of every Western worth its salt, there's bound to be  showdown. That showdown is the final eight episodes of Breaking Bad, as Walt tries to escape the walls closing on him from all sides - and 'Blood Money' is the introductory scene - the … Continue reading Season premiere review: Breaking Bad ‘Blood Money’ – Have An A1 Day