The Killing ‘What I Know’: One More Time

When a show spends multiple seasons building up to a defining moment, its needless to say the moment better pay off. Breaking Bad's done it twice - in both the season 3 and 5 finales, to varying successes - and The Wire did it masterfully a number of times, among many others. But after two seasons … Continue reading The Killing ‘What I Know’: One More Time

The Killing ‘Donnie or Marie’: A Whole Bunch of Nothing

Just when you think The Killing can't get any more frustratingly convoluted, along comes 'Donnie or Marie', an episode full of twists and turns that manages to explain a whole slew of things without really explaining anything at all. Half of the season's plot lines are thrown away  in single scenes, the finger of blame is pointed … Continue reading The Killing ‘Donnie or Marie’: A Whole Bunch of Nothing

The Killing ‘Sayonara, Hiawatha’: Angry Sauce

The second season of The Killing is beginning to gain steam towards its finale, something I thought gave the show a lot of momentum in last week's episode that was missing throughout most of the season. 'Sayonara, Hiawatha' wasn't as strong or coherent, leaning too heavy on its tendencies towards the over-dramatic and outlandish, although a … Continue reading The Killing ‘Sayonara, Hiawatha’: Angry Sauce

The Killing ‘Off The Reservation’: Focused and Determined

Let me say this first: 'Off The Reservation' was the best episode of The Killing since the pilot. By moving away from the soapier elements of the show like fancy hookers and family secrets and focusing on a few direct plot lines, the show actually revealed some important details, and felt much more like a show … Continue reading The Killing ‘Off The Reservation’: Focused and Determined