And The Window of Opportunity

Often, I find myself coming back to the same questions after I watch an episode of 2 Broke Girls. Throughout the second season, one of these has consistently risen above the others, and it finally comes to light (albeit for only a brief moment) in ‘And the Window of Opportunity’: are these two really great friends and business partners?

It seems like a silly question to ask – but all throughout this season, we’ve seen instances of the their supposed chemistry dissolve into a contrived central relationship. Part of my problem with the show’s juvenile, wise-ass sense of humor was how it undermined the core relationship of the show between Max and Caroline, particularly on Max’s end. She’s always being an asshole about everything, and there were times when it affected their business: her lack of dedication was a topic one episode, and there were other examples of Max’s lack of initiative, or counterproductive attitude (pushing customers away). Top it off with her standoffish approach to any personal or professional growth, and it begs the question why the two are really friends.

This comes to light at the end of ‘And the Window of Opportunity’, a surprising exchange stuffed into a typical episode of cheering and screaming laughter at Sophie, dick and tit jokes from Oleg, and tasteless jokes (Caroline’s aside about Asian college student suicide rates established itself as a solid contender for most offending joke of the season immediately). The two of them are cleaning an old room Han finds after a health inspection, and find themselves flinging insults in the form of sarcastic apologies.

What’s odd is how well the writers nail a conflict they never tried to establish this season – Caroline thinks Max is lazy and holding them back, and Max thinks Caroline sucks at being a businesswoman – but as expected, they don’t know what to do with it. They try to absolve themselves of any thoughtful conclusion through an easy physical gag (waterfight!) that leads to a traumatic moment (Max shocks herself on a loose wire) that leads to revelation (the window in the room they were cleaning opens out into the street).

As soon as they see that, the Lightning of Destiny strikes, and the two have forgotten their argument. Forget about addressing the fundamental problems in their friendship and business arrangement – they’ve found their future, and all shall be well (save for some hijinks along the way, of course). They stopped fighting because Caroline thought she would die? There’s contrived – and then there’s just totally throwing in the towel on a feasible resolution, and ‘Window of Opportunity’ embraced it once again in tonight’s finale.

In other words, we’re pretty much back to where we were at the beginning of last season, except the girls have limited financial responsibility, since they’re going to be working in Han’s building, probably integrating their business with him, so he can foot the bills. It’s a disappointing turn – I would rather see the two women out on their own, not using Han, the man they shit on constantly, to help them out – but what do we expect? 2 Broke Girls is married to its formula, and that was preserved in a finale that flat lined for 18 minutes, sparked up for about 45 seconds, then embraced its status quo once again.

Grade: D

Other thoughts/observations:

– as of right now, this will be my last 2 Broke Girls review. If there are a large number of requests for season three I’ll consider it, but I don’t plan on sitting through another season of this for free, especially when there will be plenty of new offerings ripe for the taking.

– Caroline is fine with Han calling her a “show pony” – and Max is fine being paid off to go hide. What’s better than a hooker and a whore, right?

– Earl: “napkins are like the old Twitter.”

– there’s a disturbing cameo by a man named Dennis, who admits to beating his wife Miss Trudy when he’s dissatisfied with her work (but “she likes it a little”, which makes the domestic abuse fine). He also has a parrot in his hand, for no discernible reason.

– Max can’t sell her Happy Meal toys. Is anyone surprised that she’s not willing to embrace maturity to advance her life?

– Oleg dismisses Sophie’s feelings with a laugh and a joke about her tits. Misogynistic as ever, that guy.

One thought on “Season finale review: 2 Broke Girls ‘And the Window of Opportunity’ – I Know How Balls Feel

  1. I request season 3 reviews, but I realize by doing this I am basically torturing you, and understand if you don’t.


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